• 60th International Peace Meditation “Peace is not the absence of war. Peace is the presence of God”

    December 2, 2001-

    Dear Friends of the Institute, including: United States Senator Robert C. Byrd
    Honorable Members of the New York State Assembly
    Commissioner of Education, New York State
    Members of the New York State Education Department
    Members of the State University of New York at Albany Administration and Faculty
    Members of the West Virginia University Administration and Faculty
    Members of the United Nations Association–USA
    Family and Friends

    As we complete five years of celebrating together the International Peace Meditation, it is important to acknowledge all those, here and abroad, who participate. Whether you have been a participant since the beginning, or recently joined, you are part of an important movement–a movement toward unity and peace.

    It is important to note that as you meditate on the first Sunday of every month, others also are lifting their concerns for the sick and injured, whether physically, emotionally, or spiritually. Consider that your prayers for all others are magnified by the support of your concerns as well.

    I hope you will forward this message to those in your e-mail groups who would like to participate. They can have their names added to our mailing list by writing to sueshipe@www.humanempowerment.org. As our list expands, so does our influence for good.

    Attached you will find information about the Institute activities for 2001. I hope that you will see that our small movements are only the beginning of many good things to come.

    Thank you for your ongoing and essential support of the International Institute For Human Empowerment, Inc. You are a member by philosophy alone. There is no fee. The International Institute For Human empowerment, Inc. is not affiliated with any religious organization in order that it might serve all.

    This Sunday, December 2, as we meditate/pray, may we be instruments of peace. ‘Peace is not the absence of war. Peace is the presence of God.’

    Please visit our web site at www.humanempowerment.org Your suggestions for activities for the Institute are most welcome! Sue Kidd Shipe, President International Institute For Human Empwerment, Inc. P. O. Box 3920 Albany, New York 12203 USA (518) 393-9491 sueshipe@www.humanempowerment.org sueshipe@thebiz.net www.humanempowerment.org
    Sue Kidd Shipe, President
    International Institute For Human Empowerment, Inc.
    P. O. Box 3920
    Albany, New York  12203   USA
    (518) 393-9491

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